Final Post

As a student from a country where technology in education is not very developed, the only technology I've seen in the English classes was the smartboards. Yet unfortunately, teachers used it as a replacement for projectors. Therefore, whenever I imagined myself teaching in a classroom, I usually used traditional methods of teaching with little to no technology integration. 

This course helped me see that technology is crucial in 21st-century learning. With this course, I learned a lot of ways to use technology in classes and how one tool can be used in numerous different assignments. However, the best skill that this course brought me is always judging a tool about whether it can be used in ELT classrooms. 

Among all the tasks that we have done, I think creating a vox-pop was my favorite. Aside from the fact that it is a very good speaking activity, it was very fun to make and I enjoyed it a lot. There were amusing answers and interacting with new people was exciting. 

Although I think that it would be a better assignment with some changes, I didn't like the movie poster task much. There was little writing (thus productivity) used thus it didn't seem very effective to me. I think it would be a good task if paired with another activity.

The only suggestion I can make is just emailing the checklist to our peers. I think we could have posted them as a comment under their blog posts, Throughout the term, the instructor provided us with detailed instructions and questions for us to answer in our blog posts. They helped me a lot during the semester and I think all teachers should give detailed instructions. 

As we reached the end of the course, this is my final post of the term (As I do not know if I would post here again.)  Take care fellow ELT teachers. Good luck in your classes!!!


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